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Title Shape Easy Steps Title Shape

How to mint


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Title Shape The Story Title Shape

About us

CaroPlay is the world's first WEB3 "ideas to earn" project and the first star NFT project on the TON chain, authorized by FIFA World Player of the Year Fabio Cannavaro. CaroPlay is an innovative Web3 project that combines sports events, games, and sports brands.

CaroPlay aims to build a gaming community that loves sports and fitness through Cannavaro's star influence. By utilizing the decentralization feature of blockchain technology, CaroPlay enhances the transparency and openness of games, creating the most entertaining and fair gaming platform.

In addition to making the project fun and profitable through sports games, we will also introduce a token-based incentive mechanism, including launching Cannavaro's fitness app and RWA products for the Web3 community. These professional fitness products can cultivate exercise habits among Web3 users, ultimately improving the health metrics of the Web3 population.


Ensure clear traceability of all transaction records and asset ownership. Investors can view real-time fund flows, asset allocation, and investment outcomes.


Protect privacy. Decentralization through smart contracts enables betting interactions, making betting more efficient and transparent, with guaranteed payouts.


Real-time tracking of match events Users select their supported teams and earn profits from them.

Title Shape Core Team Member Title Shape

Meet The Crew

Mark Denmeade




Mila Kyle


Amelia Kamila


Title Shape Development Plan Title Shape



Token airdrop
Launch, token begins OTC or DEX trading
Launch of the Euro Cup section
NFT launch
Launch of the Current Affairs section
Launch of the Crypto Major Events section


Launch of the Entertainment section
Launch of the Olympic Games section
Launch of the Entertainment section
Launch of the European Top 5 Leagues game section
Launch of the Keep fitness app
Launch of the Basketball game section


Launch of the Economic Hotspots section
Launch of RWA products
Launch of the Competitive Games section
Launch of the Boxing/MMA game section

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Frequently Asked Questions

By spending a small amount of Caro tokens, you can initiate an options contract. You will receive 2.5% of the total amount spent by the losing side in the game as a reward.

For instance, if you spend 10 Caro tokens to propose a game and the losing side spends 100,000 Caro tokens to participate, you will earn a reward of 2500 Caro tokens.

By simply sharing your link, you can earn 2.5% of the total amount spent by the invited participants in the game as a reward.

For example, if you invite someone to participate in a game and they spend 1,000 Caro tokens, regardless of whether they win or lose, you will receive a reward of 25 Caro tokens.

Holders of Cannavaro NFTs will enjoy the following profits:

1. Long-term 2.5% dividend on platform game amounts.
2. Access to the project's private tokens.
3. Voting and governance rights in Ideas DAO.
4. VIP status and airdrop rewards in fitness apps.
5. Discounts on Cannavaro RWA brand products.

What are the utilities of the tokens?

1. Participate in platform games.
2. Propose new game ideas.
3. Engage in liquidity mining and staking.
4. Participate in mining activities within the Cannavaro fitness app.
5. Purchase RWA products from the Cannavaro sports brand.
6. Unlock new features and earn additional rewards.

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